March 2021

TMS and ECT: Effective Treatments for Severe Treatment-Resistant Depression

TMS stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. It is also referred to as rTMS, or repetitive TMS. TMS is a noninvasive treatment for severe, treatment-resistant depression (Major Depressive Disorder which has not been significantly improved despite multiple trials on antidepressants in multiple classes, often in addition to one or more rounds of psychotherapy). Antidepressants are only […]

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EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a research-tested and highly effective treatment for trauma, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety, panic, OCD, and is rapidly gaining support as an effective treatment for other conditions, such as depression, addictions, and pain control. Before addressing what EMDR involves and how it works, it is

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Conversion Disorders and Pseudo-Seizures: “The doctor says I am not sick, but why do I feel so bad?”

By Dr. Chris Litton Your seizures have been out of control lately, so you have been hospitalized for 24-hour monitoring. You have been hooked up to an EEG machine for several days now, waiting for the “big event.” After a day or so off your medication, your muscles have started to twitch, breathing has become

Conversion Disorders and Pseudo-Seizures: “The doctor says I am not sick, but why do I feel so bad?” Read More »

Communicating about Conflict in Intimate Relationships

BY DR. BERT PITTS A famous family therapist, the late Carl Whitaker, once said, “Conflict is the pathway to intimacy.” What on Earth did he mean by that?? Doesn’t conflict feel uncomfortable, and tense, and like an argument? Isn’t each side is trying to win, and avoid losing? How could that lead to intimacy? Whitaker

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